Lanphere Enterprises, Inc. - Renton Harley Davidson
This new two-story building has a footprint of approximately 24,000 square feet with an additional 24,500 square-foot service area. Subsurface soils encountered within the site included approximately 10 feet of fill overlying organic soils, soft silts and clays, and loose sand to depths of up to about 35 feet. Our engineers recommended that stone columns be used for foundations support after we evaluated the potential for liquefaction and settlement and concluded that the potential settlement would be within structural limits. Stone columns bearing on firm underlying soils were used to transfer the structure loads past the upper soils. Our services consisted of observing the installation of the columns, performance of lad tests and completing dynamic cone tests near the columns to verify soil compaction occurring in the soils surrounding the stone column.
Services provided: Geotechnical Engineering, Subsurface Investigations, Foundation Design, Construction Inspection and Testing