Lakehaven Utility District - OASIS ASR Project, Phase 1

Stream gagingLakehaven Utility District is developing a major aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) project, called the OASIS Project, using the Mirror Lake Aquifer. Robinson Noble studies indicated that the Mirror Lake Aquifer can potentially store up to 30,000 acre-feet of retrievable water annually. In furtherance of the project, Robinson Noble hydrogeologists assisted the District in securing clarifications to Washington State water law to legally allow for ASR projects. With the law changed, Robinson Noble assisted the District in the water rights negotiations with Ecology and the Tribes leading to a permit for the OASIS Project.

With the water rights secured, the District began Phase 1 of OASIS. During this phase, Robinson Noble has: installed and operated three stream gaging stations; drilled and constructed the District's first well solely dedicated to ASR; installed two triple-level, nested piezometers for observation use during ASR testing; examined geochemical properties of selected aquifer and confining layer samples; helped the District set up a survey network to examine for land subsidence due to ASR operations; mapped and seasonally monitored natural springs and areas of groundwater seepage; located two sites for future test wells to be drilled in the target aquifer; looked at air venting issues that may occur during large-scale ASR, examined land settlement issues, and provided annual reports to Ecology concerning the status and progress of the OASIS program. Phase 1 work is scheduled to continue for several more years.

Services provided: Water Rights, Hydrogeologic Investigation, Groundwater Modeling, Groundwater Development and Management, Well Drilling and Design Services, Legal Support
